COVID is 1/50 as deadly in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea…

I may be paranoid, but that doesn’t mean I’m crazy. COVID-19 shows a remarkably low death rate in Asia, particularly Eastern Asia, compared to the US or Europe or South America. As of this month, there have been 734,600 US deaths from COVID-19, representing 0.22% of all Americans. Another way of stating this is 2.2 deaths per thousand population. In one year, COVID has lowered the life expectancy of US men by 2.1 years; with the decline worst among hispanic men. The COVID death rate is very similar in Europe, and higher in South America (in Peru 0.62%), but hardly any deaths in East Asia. In China only 4,636 people, 0.003% of the population. That’s 1/700th the rate in the US, and almost all of these deaths are in western China. They no longer bother with social distancing.

The low death rate in East Asia. was noted by the BBC over a year ago. Based on today’s data from Worldometer, here, the low death rates continue throughout East Asia, as graphed at right. In Hong-Kong the death rate is 0.03 per thousand, or 1/70th the US rate. In Taiwan, 0.04 per thousand; in Singapore, 0.01 per thousand; in S. Korea 0.04 per thousand; Cambodia and Japan, 0.1 per thousand. The highest of these countries shows 1/20 the death rate of the US. This disease kills far fewer East Asians than Westerners. This difference shows up, for example in a drop in the lifespan of male Americans by 2.16 years. The lifespan of male Hispanics dropped more, by 4.58 years. In China, Japan, and Korea the lifespans have continued to increase.

Life expectancy for US males has dropped by 2.16 years. It’s dropped more for Hispanic and Black Americans. Data for women is similar but not as dramatic.

My suspicion is that this was a racially targeted bio-weapon. But perhaps the targeting of westerners reflects a cultural lifestyle difference. Mask use has been suggested, but I don’t think so. In many high mask countries the death rate is high, while in low mask Taiwan and Korea it’s low, only 0.04 COVID deaths per thousand. Even Sweden, with no masks reports only 1.4 per thousand deaths; that’s 2/3 the death rate of the US. Masks do not seem to explain the difference.

Another lifestyle difference is obesity; Americans are fat. Then again, Peru was hit far worse than we were, and Peruvians are thin. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, folks are fat, but the death rate is small. Another cultural difference is medicine, but I don’t believe Sweden, Germany, and France have worse healthcare than Taiwan or Cambodia. Cambodia saw 1/20 the US COVID death rate.

My suspicion is that this disease targets by race because it was designed that way. If it isn’t a bio weapon, it certainly behaves like one. I may be paranoid here, but that’s the way it seems.

As a side issue, perhaps related, I note that China keeps pushing for the to close its manufacturing in the interest of CO2 abatement, while they keep building coal burning power plants to fill the manufacturing need that we abandon. I also notice that they hit us with tariffs while protesting our tariffs, that they steal our intellectual property, and that they are building islands in the sea between China and Japan. There is war-tension between our countries, and Western-targetting virus appears right outside of China’s top-security virus lab — their only level 4 lab — I’m guessing it’s not a total coincidence.

Robert Buxbaum, October 12, 2021

4 thoughts on “COVID is 1/50 as deadly in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea…

  1. Pingback: Chinese stocks lost 30% this year, has China’s lost decades begun? | REB Research Blog

  2. Theodore Rodgers

    Could it be that countries death rates are not accurate. In the USA they paid hospitals to over report Covid deaths. China was trying to under report deaths because covid made them look bad.

    Before you look for the reason behind the data we have to look at the accuracy of the data.

    1. R.E. Buxbaum Post author

      That China might under-report COVID deaths seems reasonable, but I don’t think Hong Kong did that, or Japan, or Korea. The disease seems targeted to avoid (Han) Chinese. Add to this that it was found outside of a bioweapons lab. If you were designing a bioweapon to use against the west, wouldn’t you design to kill westerners and leave your folk alive. That seems to be the structure of this disease.

  3. allen

    Proofreading is dead.

    “I may be paranoid, but that mean I’m crazy.”

    While the graph’s provocative, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all that the Chinese communists would try to develop race-specific pathogens, the method of attack, releasing the infectious agent in their own country first, argues for the sort of incompetence common where the authorities don’t have to worry about convincing the public to re-elect them.

    But with a longer baseline I’d really like to see some investigation into co-factors that might produce a similar result.

    Lastly, if the virus were aimed at us whities why did the Chinese authorities act with a degree of intensity that it was self-destructive? If they knew it wasn’t going to be anywhere near as bad for them as for Caucasians why impose draconian and economically-destructive shut downs?


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