Monthly Archives: August 2018

Getter purifiers versus Membrane purifiers

There are two main types of purifiers used for gases: getters and membranes. Both can work for you in almost any application, and we make both types at REB Research – for hydrogen purification mostly, but sometimes for other applications. The point of this essay is which one makes more sense for which application. I’ll mostly talk about hydrogen purification, but many of the principles apply generally. The way both methods work is by separating the fast gas from the slower gas. With most getters and most membranes, hydrogen is the fast gas. That is to say, hydrogen usually is the component that goes through the membrane preferentially, and hydrogen is the gas that goes through most getters preferentially. It’s not always the case, but generally.

Scematic of our getter beds for use with inert gasses. There are two chambers; one at high temperature to remove water, nitrogen, methane, CO2, and one at lower temperature the remove H2. The lower temperature bed can be regenerated.

Our getter beds for use with inert gasses have two chambers; one is high temperature to remove water, nitrogen, etc. and one at lower temperature the remove H2. The lower temperature bed can be regenerated.

Consider the problem of removing water and similar impurities from a low-flow stream of helium for a gas chromatograph. You probably want to use a getter because there are not really good membranes that differentiate helium from impurities. And even with hydrogen, at low flow rates the getter system will probably be cheaper. Besides, the purified gas from a getter leaves at the same pressure as it entered. With membranes, the fas gas (hydrogen) leaves at a lower pressure. The pressure difference is what drives membrane extraction. For inert gas drying our getters use vanadium-titanium to absorb most of the impurities, and we offer a second, lower temperature bed to remove hydrogen. For hydrogen purification with a bed, we use vanadium and skip the second bed. Other popular companies use other getters, e.g. drierite or sodium-lead. Whatever the getter, the gas will leave purified until the getter is used up. The advantage of sodium lead is that it gets more of the impurity (Purifies to higher purity). Vanadium-titanium removes not only water, but also oxygen, nitrogen, H2S, chlorine, etc. The problem is that it is more expensive, and it must operate at warm (or hot) temperatures. Also, it does not removed inert gases, like helium or argon from hydrogen; no getter does.

To see why getters can be cheaper than membranes if you don’t purify much gas, or if the gas starts out quite pure, consider a getter bed that contains 50 grams of vanadium-titanium (one mol). This amount of getter will purify 100 mols of fast gas (hydrogen or argon, say) if the fast gas contains 1% water. The same purifier will purify 1000 mols of fast gas with 0.1% impurity. Lets say you plan to use 1 liter per minute of gas at one atmosphere and room temperature, and you start with gas containing 0.1% impurity (3N = 99.9% gas). Since the volume of 100 mols of most gases a these conditions is 2400 liters. Thus, you can expect our purifier to last for 400 hours (two weeks) at this flow rate, or for four years if you start with 99.999% gas (5N). People who use a single gas chromatograph or two, generally find that getter-based purifiers make sense; they typically use only about 0.1 liters/minute, and can thus get 4+ years’ operation even with 4N gas. If you have high flows, e.g. many chromatographs or your gas is less-pure, you’re probably better off with a membrane-based purifier, shown below. That what I’ll discuss next.

Our membrane reactors and most of our hydrogen purifiers operate with pallium-membranes and pressure-outside. Only hydrogen permeates through the palladium membrane.

Our membrane reactors and most of our hydrogen purifiers operate with pallium-membranes and pressure-outside. Only hydrogen permeates through the palladium membrane.

The majority of membrane-based purifiers produced by our company use metallic membranes, usually palladium alloys, and very often (not always) with pressure on the outside. Only hydrogen passes through the membranes. Even with very impure feed gases, these purifiers will output 99.99999+% pure H2 and since the membrane is not used up, they will typically operate forever so long as there is no other issue — power outages can cause problems (we provide solutions to this). The main customers for our metallic membrane purifiers are small laboratories use and light manufacturers. We also manufacture devices that combine a reformer that makes 50% pure hydrogen from methanol + steam where the membranes are incorporated with the reactor — a membrane reformer, and this has significant advantages. There is no equivalent getter-based device, to my knowledge because it would take too much getter to deal with such impure gas.

Metal membranes are impermeable to inert gases like helium and argon too, and this is an advantage for some customers, those who don’t want anything but hydrogen. For other customers, those who want a cheaper solution, or are trying to purify large amounts of helium, we provide polymeric membranes, a lower cost, lower temperature option. Metal membranes are also used with deuterium or tritium, the higher isotopes of hydrogen. The lighter isotopes of hydrogen permeate these membranes faster than the heavier ones for reasons I discuss here.

Robert Buxbaum, August 26, 2018

Beavers, some of the best dam builders

I ran for water commissioner in 2016 (Oakland county, Michigan; I’ll be running again in 2020), and one of my big issues was improving our rivers. Many are dirty and “flashy”. Shortly after a rain they rise too high and move dangerously fast. At other times, they become, low, smelly, and almost disappear. There are flash floods in these rivers, few fish or frogs, and a major problem with erosion. A big part of a solution, I thought, would be to add few small dams, and to refurbish a few others by adding over-flow or underflow weirs. We had a small dam in the middle of campus at Michigan State University where I’d taught, and I’d seen that it did wonders for river control, fishing, and erosion. The fellow I was running against had been removing small dams in the belief that this made the rivers “more natural”. The Sierra Club thought he was right doing this; the fishing community and some homeowners and MSU alumni thought I was. My problem was that I was a Republican running in a Democratic district. Besides, the county executive, L. Brooks Patterson (also a Republican) was a tightwad. Among my the first stops on my campaign trail was to his office, and while he liked many of my ideas, and promised to support me, he didn’t like the idea of spending money on dams. I suggested, somewhat facetiously, using beavers, and idea that’s grown on me since. I’m still not totally convinced it’s a good idea, but bear with me as I walk you through it.

Red Cedar River dam as seen from behind the Michigan State University Administration Building.

Small dam on the Red Cedar River at Michigan State University behind the Administration Building. The dam provided good fishing and canoeing, and cleaned the water somewhat.

The picture at right shows the dam on the Red Cedar River right behind the Administration building at Michigan State University, looking south. During normal times the dam slows the river flow and raises the water level high enough to proved a good canoe trail, 2 1/2 miles to Okemos. Kids would fish behind the dam, and found it a very good fishing spot. The slow flow meant less erosion, and some pollution control. The speed of flow and the height of the river are related; see calculation here. After a big rain, a standing wave (a “jump”) would set up at the dam, raising its effective height by three or four feet. Students would surf the standing wave. More importantly, the three or four feet of river rise provided retention so that the Red Cedar did little damage. Some picnic area got flooded, but that was a lot better than having a destructive torrent. Here’s some more on the benefits of dams.

Between July 31 and Aug 1 the Clinton River rose nine feet in 3 hours, sending 130,000,000 cubic feet of water and sewage to lake St Clair.

Between July 31 and Aug 1 the Clinton River rose nine feet in 3 hours, sending 130,000,000 cubic feet of water to lake St Clair.

The Sierra club supported (supports) my opponent, in part because he supports natural rivers, without dams. I think they are wrong about this, and about their political support in general. Last night, following a 1 1/2 inch rain, the Clinton River flash flooded, going from 5.2 feet depth to 14 feet depth in just two hours. My sense is that the natural state of our rivers had included beavers and beaver dams until at least the mid 1700s. I figured that a few well-designed dams, similar to those at Michigan State would do wonders to stop this. Among the key locations were Birmingham, on the Rouge, Rochester, near Oakland University, Auburn Hills, and the Clinton River gorge, and near Lawrence Technical University. If we could not afford to build man-made dams, I figured we could seed some beaver into nearby nature areas, and let the beavers dam the rivers for free. It would bring back the natural look of these areas, as in the picture below. And engineers at Lawrence Tech and Oakland University might benefit from seeing the original dam engineers at work.

Beaver dam on a branch of the Huron River. Beavers are some of the best dam builders.

Beaver dam on a branch of the Huron River. A rather professional and attractive job at a bargain price.

Beavers are remarkably diligent. Once they set about a task, they build the basics of a dam in a few days, then slowly improve it like any good craftsman. As with modern dams, beaver dams begin with vertical piles set into the river bottom. Beavers then fill in the dam with cross-pieces, moving as much as 1000 lbs of wood in a night to add to the structure and slow the flow. They then add mud. They use their hearing to detect leaks, and slowly plug the leaks till the dam is suitably tight. Most of the streams I identified are narrow and pass through wooded areas. I think a beaver might dam them in a few days. Based on the amount of wood beavers move, and the fact that beavers are shaped like big woodchucks, I was able to answer the age-old question: how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood — see my calculation here.

Me, visiting the DNR to talk beavers

Me, visiting the DNR to talk beavers

There are a few things to check out before I start hiring beavers to take care of Oakland county flooding, and I have not checked them all out yet. Beavers don’t necessarily build where you want or as solidly, and sometimes they don’t build at all. If there are no predators, beavers can get lazy and just build a low-water lodge and a high water lodge, moving from one to the other as the river rises and falls. Hiring a beaver is like hiring an artistic contractor, it seems: you don’t necessarily get what you ask for, and sometimes you get more. Given the flash flooding we have, it’s hard to picture they’d make things worse, but what do I know? In some cases, e.g. the Red Run near the 12 towns drain, the need is for more than a beaver can deliver. Still, without beavers, the need would be for a billion gallons of retention on the Clinton alone, a 10 billion dollar project if carried out as my opponent likes to build. So, with no budget to work with, my next stop was at the Department of Natural Resources Customer Service Center (Lansing). I had some nice chats with beaver experts, and I’m happy to say they liked the idea, or at least they were not opposed. I’ve yet to talk to the Michigan director of dams, and will have to see what he has to say, but so far it seems like, if I get elected in 2020, I’ll be looking for some hard-working beavers, willing to relocate. I’d like to leave it to Beaver.

Robert E. Buxbaum, August 2, 2018. I still don’t get the Sierra Club’s idea of what a natural river would look like, or their commitment to Democrats. In my opinion, a river should include beavers, fish, and fishermen, and drainage should be done by whoever can do it best. Sierra club folks are welcomed to comment below.