Introducing REB Research's Electric Car(t) of the Future.

The eventual aim is to make this electric shopping cart with a fuel cell and one of our reformer - hydrogen generators so the batteries can be recharged continuously during operation. Without the fuel cell and reformer, the cart's range should be about 21 miles (18 Ahr * 11.7 mph/10 A) with a 4 hour recharge time for full recharge. With the fuel cell, the range should be about 100 miles. It's pretty fun to drive, too. For safety, it's got seatbelts and electric breaks, and you sit high enough to see and be-seen. No other sefety features are required since the maximum sppeed is below 15 mph, so it counts as a bicycle. Still, it would be nice if the fellow wore his seatbelts and a helmet. Based on the power draw, I calculate an equivalent mileage in excess of 1200 mpg -- that's the advantage of a light vehicle moving relatively slowly. I'm not sure this is the future of transportation, but it's fun and economical, and it beats walking.

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